
日期 2018-07-23
發佈日期 0000-00-00
標題 2018 亞洲積分巡迴賽 : 軍刀&鈍劍

時間 : 2018年 8月31日 至 9月1日

地點 : Fashion Island Shopping Center, Ramindara Rd., Bangkok, Thailand.

 Preliminary Entry (by event and number) – Form TH1 by Friday, 10 August 2018.
 Final Entry (by event and name) – Form TH2, TH3 & TH4, by Tuesday, 21 August 2018.
 Fencers must register through the FCA website by Friday, 24 August 2018.

*簡章內選手年齡限制請更改為→All participating fencers must be born in the year 2002-2005.


購買證照事宜請電洽擊劍協會 02-8772-3033。


附加檔案 ACC_Invitation2018-Bkk.pdf
Bangkok ACC 2018 form.xlsx

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